OCD Counseling

The Challenge of OCD

Struggling with obsessive-compulsive disorder can leave you feeling alone and isolated. It may be very difficult to talk about your obsessions and you likely try to hide your compulsive behaviors from others. Why? Because it can all feel so unusual and alarming and people are often afraid that they would look “crazy” to others if they were found out. Be hopeful - it’s just OCD and it’s more common than you think. 2-3 million Americans know what you’re going through and, as a Bellevue and Seattle area therapist specializing in OCD, so do I.

Common Types of Obsessions

  • Fears of Contamination
  • Unwanted Sexual or Violent Thoughts
  • Fear of Losing Control
  • Fear of Harming Self or Others
  • Religious Obsessions/Scrupulosity
  • Perfectionism
  • Sexual Orientation
  • Relationships

Common Types of Compulsions

  • Washing and Cleaning
  • Reassurance Seeking
  • Checking
  • Repeating
  • Ordering/Arranging
  • Counting
  • Neutralizing/Undoing

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) is a Proven, Effective Therapy for OCD.

In addition to some medications that can be very helpful, research consistently shows that Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP), a form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), can be very effective in helping people regain control of their lives, even after years, or decades, in “OCD prison.” To find out more about ERP and if it might be right for you, click here.